Sunday, August 14, 2011

Using the Sign for "Dirty"

Baby Signs, Inc. has sent out another sign of the week. This one is the sign for "dirty." As BSI pointed out, "Do you find yourself saying "Don't touch that. It is DIRTY!" to your child? Using the sign along with the word, DIRTY, can help to place emphasis on what you are saying." It's also a great one because you can make the sign for "dirty" across a room at your older toddler or preschooler when they are about to touch something gross. No yelling needed!

I actually taught my then-toddler to use this sign when she had gone "poo-poo" in her diaper. That was very helpful! They move around so much at that age it was difficult to figure out if anyone had a dirty diaper, or who it belonged to. I remember one morning going into my daughter's room, and she greeted me with three signs, one right after the other. She first did the sign for "dirty", thus, I knew she had a dirty diaper. She then made the sign for "milk" so yes, she was thirsty. Then she made the sign for "fish" so that I could admire her "Finding Nemo" calendar on the wall. Look at all of that information that I received from her in just about 15 seconds. Have I written lately about how much I love the Baby Signs® program!!!!